Friction Stir Welding: a revolution in aluminium welding
Friction Stir Welding of aluminium parts is simple, repeatable, and affordable. However, this technology is still barely known to many. Read on and find out why you should know about it!

The aluminium sector is on the rise, being the fastest growing metal: 6% per year! The use of aluminium extends to a wide variety of sectors. It can be used for window frames as well as automotive heat sinks or aircraft parts. This wide range of uses of aluminium is due to its particular properties: low density, non-toxic, high thermal conductivity, excellent corrosion resistance and the fact that it can be easily formed, machined and cast. Furthermore, it is the sixth most ductile metal and the second most malleable. On top of it, its major asset is its lightness.
Every industry sector involved in transport is interested in aluminium, and looking for the most efficient, as well as economical, methods of working with this material. That’s why, when it comes to aluminium welding, Friction Stir Welding‘s high-performance is acknowledged.
This innovative technology is subject to major developments and is already used in numerous applications: automotive, aeronautics, space, energy or even nuclear. Aluminium is everywhere: it is used for the construction of aeroplane fuselage components (an increasingly widespread application), launchers (rockets), boat covers, many automobile parts such as heat sinks, inverters etc.
FSW technology: advantages for aluminium welding
Economic advantages of Friction Stir Welding for aluminium welding
If we talk specifically about the Stirweld FSW head, we find two great advantages to add: the investment is limited since the welding is carried out on an existing CNC machine and the head is available for renting (starting from 1900 € / month).
Technological advantages of Friction Stir Welding for aluminium welding

Environnmental and social advantages of Friction Stir Welding for aluminium welding
FSW technology has been proven to be highly effective for the welding of aluminium parts. What are you waiting for to learn more about it?
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