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Friction Stir Welding Design Assistance

Seamlessly aligning your part specifications with FSW constraints at a stroke.

Standard FSW head for CNC

Why Choose Stirweld for your FSW-Part Design?

Experience the unique advantage of Stirweld: Our unparalleled expertise in Friction Stir Welding, deep industry knowledge and cutting-edge FSW design methods are at your service.

fsw cold plate

Comprehensive Assistance

Enhance the design of your parts while maintaining a focus on long-term cost efficiency. Offerings include detailed analyses of mass production costs, covering aspects such as time, consumables, and manufacturing expenses.

cold plate technology

Cost Savings

Opt for quality by engaging with Stirweld Friction Stir Welding design assistance. This strategy leads to fewer defective parts and a consequent reduction in non-conformity related expenses.

FSW chill plate


With a foundation of extensive experience, the team of FSW experts at Stirweld has provided comprehensive design guidance to numerous businesses, enhancing their FSW component designs.

Friction Stir Welding Design Assistance: Navigating the Process with Stirweld

At Stirweld, our focus on design assistance for Friction Stir Welding encompasses a comprehensive, step-by-step approach tailored to meet your specific needs. From initial confidentiality agreements to final design optimization, we guide you through each stage with precision and expertise. Our process ensures that your parts are not only FSW compatible but also optimized for production efficiency and quality. Explore our key steps to unlock the full potential of Friction Stir Welding for your projects.

Step 1

Initial Agreement: Securing Confidentiality with an NDA

friction stir welding study

For mutual protection, a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is executed between both parties at the onset of our discussions.

Step 2

Design Evaluation: Choose your path

At this juncture, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Should the component already exist, kindly send the corresponding 3D model along with essential details. These should include part weight, annual production quantity, manufacturing methodology, material specifications, requirements for flatness post-welding and mechanical stress endured by the part. This information is crucial for conducting a thorough assessment and providing customized recommendations.
  • Option 2: If your part is yet to be designed, kindly submit a specification sheet detailing your design and constraint requirements.
friction stir welding design evaluation

Step 3

Expert Analysis: In-Depth Engineering Review

friction stir welding expert analysis

The analysis phase follows in the Friction Stir Welding design assistance service. Conducted by a seasoned welding engineer from Stirweld, this stage involves scrutinizing aspects like flatness, pressure endurance, mechanical robustness, welding area, tool passage space, optimal welding sequence and the appropriate location for the exit hole.

Step 4

Custom Recommendations: Tailored Design Guidance

Post-analysis, we present our bespoke recommendations through a document that encapsulates design advice, specifically addressing the critical aspects of your part. Each report is customized to meet the unique welding requirements of your part, including both our suggested and essential modifications for optimal FSW compatibility.

Here is an example of the kind of design recommendations you could expect to receive within the Friction Stir Welding design assistance:

Required design modificationsMandaroty or recommended
Switch Butt configurationMandatory
Part thickness to handle stress into the weldMandatory
Top contact width for butt weldingRecommended
Part self-support under the welding areaMandatory
Weld radius to avoid overheating in turnsRecommended
Create start/stop area to leave the ending holeRecommended
Adding ribs to avoid too high distortion of the partMandatory
An example of design recommendations you could receive.

Step 5

Design Optimization: Adapting for FSW Compatibility

friction stir welding design optimization

After receiving our design recommendations, you can proceed to adjust your parts to be Friction Stir Welding compatible. While some recommendations might not be immediately implementable, we encourage ongoing dialogue to explore viable solutions.

Step 6

Finalization: Ready for FSW Welding and Beyond

Your part is now primed for Friction Stir Welding!

In addition, following the Friction Stir Welding design assistance service, if you are interested in prototyping with us, we offer comprehensive services in this area. Explore our prototyping offerings to learn more.

part ready for friction stir welding

Enhance Your Projects with Friction Stir Welding Design Assistance

Ready to enhance your product design for Friction Stir Welding? Contact Stirweld today for specialized design assistance and take the first step towards efficient and high-quality FSW integration.